how do I not end up simply having visited this world?

mark’s story.


Before answering my call to Soul, I was stuck in patterns of distraction, self-doubt and self-criticism, yet knowing I was being called to more meaningfully inhabit my work, social, and natural environments. I was avoiding healing, wholing, and acceptance of myself.

I chose to trust my instincts, showing up with an open-heart and open-mind, committing to a period of self-care. Reflecting back over key moments in my ongoing journey, I have been humbled and healed. I have deepened my connection with Mystery and nature, and am empowered with self-love, compassion and vulnerability. I have a strong sense of belonging in my inner and outer landscapes.

Through countless solo time in the mountains wandering and listening, performing self-designed ceremony, enacting vision quests and other rites of passage, I continue to reveal new layers of my own story. Dreams and synchronicity continue to be powerful teachers that reinforce why I’m here.

I offer myself and my gifts to others because that is what I have been called to do. I’m here to courageously guide and protect others to walk the edges of their inner wounds and outer wildness. To let my light and Wild Mountain Heart illuminate the soulful truths and gifts in the sacred wounds of others so that they can find healing, wholing and acceptance using the natural world as wild medicine.

The mountains are both my muse and where I innately belong. In my personal time you’ll find me backpacking, scrambling, downhill biking, snowboarding, and snowmobiling. I continue to advance my technical knowledge through training such as advanced navigation and hold a Wilderness First Responder 80-hr first aid certification.

I have decided to find myself a home in the mountains, somewhere high up where one learns to live peacefully in the cold and the silence. It’s said that in such a place certain revelations may be discovered. That what the spirit reaches for may be eventually felt, if not exactly understood. Slowly, no doubt. I’m not talking about a vacation.

Of course, at the same time I mean to stay exactly where I am.

Are you following me?

— Mary Oliver

my vision is.

That we courageously walk the wild edges of our inner and outer worlds to find self-healing and acceptance of our truest selves, while discovering the intrinsic thread of our interconnectedness to everything in this World.

my message is.

In both moments of light and darkness, there is an invitation to surrender, trusting you are here for a reason, and know that you are not alone.

my gifts are.

My open heart; a perceptive capacity for deep listening, understanding and reflective engagement; connection to nature and emotional sensitivity; creativity.

my essence is.

A resourceful explorer and integral healer. I am both grounding and protecting. Generous with my wild heart, spirit, knowledge, and creative gifts.

It is as if my Soul and body attunes to the journeys of others – as if my life is an echo – as if my life is the ripple across a lake's mirrored surface.